In Remembrance of My Great Grandfather: Terence (Terry) Murphy.

And all the other local men who fought in the First World War! Particularly Terry’s Cousin, Comrade and Good Friend; Terence Higgins. Both men are affectionately known as ” The Two Terrys ” by the Murphy and Higgins family! Terry joined the Gordon Highlanders and subsequently the Royal Engineers.

Despite having been shot and wounded four times he managed to return home to his family and lived to the age of 71. He worked as a miner at the Cadzow Colliery and retired then after from the Hamilton Palace Colliery at Bothwellhaugh.

In later years Terry would often complain about the pain in his ankle due to a bullet being lodged in it until the day he died. He was awarded the British War Medal, the Victory Medal and the 1915 Star for his efforts. He sadly lost many of his comrades.

In Remembrance

Of The Men Who Fought

For Us!


Written By

Hamilton Historian.

Terence (Terry) Murphy.