Old Well And Cottages At Meikle Earnock c.1877.

The above photograph shows an “Old Well And Cottages At Meikle Earnock” and it was taken during c.1877. The old well was also known as the “Meikle Earnock Pump Well”. It was the water supply for the immediate area (the village of Meikle Earnock). The road was nothing more than a dirt track at the time. On the left is the entrance to the Meikle Earnock Shuckie, which is an old miner’s path.

The well and the old miner’s cottage that sits behind and to the left of it are mentioned in my previous article titled: “A Wee House”. This is the oldest known photograph of the well and the cottage. The well was removed many years ago (exact date unknown) but the cottage still exists to this present-day, which means it is at least 144 years old! Because it was already clearly established when this photograph was taken. The three cottages on the right have thatched roofs with whitewashed lime rendered walls and a room on each side of the front door. They were built for the farm workers and miners who were employed in the local area.

Written By

Hamilton Historian.

Terence (Terry) Murphy.

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