Cadzow Bridge c. 1960.

This photograph dated c. 1960 is of the Cadzow Bridge Area, looking down from the top end of Low Waters Road, Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, Scotland. The buildings on the left no longer exist and have been replaced by modern flats with shops below, serving the same purpose. Just right of the old bus in the shot, behind the lamp post is the gable end of the Auld Hoose Pub, still there to this day.

The name Cadzow Bridge or “Cadgy Brig” as it is commonly known originated from the Old Cadzow Colliery Mineral Railwayline Bridge, which was located close to the entrance to the Cadzow Colliery (Now Cadzow Bridge Industrial Estate). The bridge no longer exists and the space is now occupied by a building supplies merchant and cafe.

There is however, an existing Cadzow Bridge located in the centre of the town which occupies part of Cadzow Street. This large bridge was built c. 1836. It crosses the Cadzow Burn and was widened between 1900-1903 to accommodate space for the tramline installation.

Written by

Hamilton Historian

Terence (Terry) Murphy.

William Boyd (Wullie Byde) Funeral Details.

Rosary to be held at house on Loudon hill Avenue this Saturday, August 17th at 7pm. Accepted into St Anne’s Chapel on Sunday at 5:20pm. The funeral service will take place at 9:30am on Monday 19th August at St Anne’s and the Bent Cemetery thereafter. The family wishes to thank everyone at this time for their kind words and condolences.

Written by

Hamilton Historian

Terence (Terry) Murphy

William Boyd (Wullie Byde) Sadly Passes Away. R.I.P.

Photo Courtesy Of His Daughter Janice Shaw (With him in the photo).

William Boyd (Wullie Byde as he was known to everyone) sadly passed away today. Thoughts go out to his family at this sad time particularly his daughter Janice who gave me permission to use the photo!

Wullie was a well known and respected member of the Hamilton, Wishaw and Lanarkshire community, namely for his passion and involvement in sports and recreation. He served his time in the army alongside my Uncle Robert Murphy (Teedy) and was a good friend of my family (The Cadzow Murphys). It was during his time in the army where he developed a keen interest in sports, gaining numerous medals and trophies for boxing and physical fitness. He also played a key part in the army circuit training regime.

In later years during the early 1990’s I was fortunate enough to have known Wullie as he used to run the Mill Inn Bar which was close by to where I lived at the time. Along with my brother and a few friends we attended his circuit training class at the old Fairhill Civic Centre. Where, Wullie schooled us in army circuit training, weight training, sparring and if we were still fit enough, 5 or 7-a-side football afterwards (depending on the numbers!).

Wullie also trained and helped youngsters in the Wishaw YMCA Centre. He was very well respected and a no-nonsense type of man. Many years ago Wullie was involved as a “Peacekeeper” at Di McGuire’s Tossing School, which was located behind McGuire’s Fruit & Veg Shop ( just off Quarry Street, backing onto Baillies Causeway.) It was Hamilton’s Last Tossing School. He was a regular alongside other many great characters like My Uncle Teedy and “Babbers” Dan Daly and then Axe Murphy (My Grandfather).

My thoughts and prayers go out to his family at this sad time. Funeral details will follow in due course. His name is Legend! Wullie for me, was the last of Hamilton’s True Hard Men! ” An Old School Gentleman! “


Written By

Hamilton Historian.

Terence (Terry) Murphy.