Neilsland “Universal Nature”.

It is no secret that Sir John Watson Bt of Neilsland and Earnock was a prominent freemason within the district and so too was his second oldest son Thomas William Watson WS. In fact, John Watson recorded in his journal that he attended a meeting of No 7 , Kilwinning Grand Lodge, in Hamilton, and witnessed his son Tom, being initiated into the mysteries of freemasonry on 24th February 1892. John Watson was also clearly interested in Ancient Egyptology as he had toured Egypt three times. The first tour was during 1877 and the second in 1894, both tours are recorded in his journal. The third tour was in February 1898 just months before he died!

Among the Ancient Egyptians the right-angled triangle was the symbol of “Universal Nature”, meaning God’s great handiwork and that he is the true creator. Greek philosopher Pythagoras received the symbol of the right-angled triangle from Ancient Egyptians during his long sojourn in the country. With it he learned the peculiar property that it possessed: The sum of the squares of the two shorter sides is equal to the square of the longest side-symbolically expressed by the formula, that the product of Osiris and Isis is Horus. In mathematics and trigonometry the equation is called the “Pythagorean” Theorem. This figure has been adopted in the 3rd Degree of Freemasonry, (The Master Mason Degree) and it is recognised as the Forty-seventh Problem of Euclid.

The forty-seventh Problem of Euclid is to the operative mason: a stonemason, bricklayer, builder, carpenter etc, necessary for constructing a foundation that is architecturally correct as established by the use of a square. Thus, a cornerstone can be laid! It is the mathematical ratio (The Knowledge) that allows a Master Mason to: “Square His Square When It Gets Out Of Square.”

We are all familiar with the Swiss Cottage area of the Neilsland Estate in Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, Scotland. But what many people do not realise is that there is a more esoteric and symbolic meaning behind it. Because the area has been purposefully laid out in accordance with the visual representation of the Right-Angled Triangle “Universal Nature” (the Forty-seventh Problem of Euclid), as mentioned above.

The Base represents Osiris, Who is the Male Principle or the Sun and in this situation the “Summer-House”.

The Perpendicular, Isis, Who is the Female Principle or the Moon and in this situation the “Swiss Cottage”.

And the Hypotenuse, Horus, Who is their Son or Product Of The Male And Female Principle and in this situation the “Infant Saviour Statue” commonly referred to as the “Little Feet”!

So, what does all of this mean?, you’re probably asking yourself. Well, it is a fertility blessing for the Owner Of the estate, Thomas William Watson WS. So that he and his wife Lucy would produce a son and male heir. Which they eventually did and that was Douglas Watson, the first born Grandson to Sir John Watson Bt. Both Thomas Watson and Sir John Watson Bt were Speculative Masons and were more engaged with the symbolic message behind freemasonry and the Forty-seventh Problem of Euclid. Which incorporates the ancient principles of the Divine Trinity, represented by the Masculine, the Feminine and the Offspring. With particular emphasis on the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis and “Fertility”.

The first tragic love story in history is that of Ancient Egyptian gods Isis and Osiris. After Osiris was murdered, Isis became pregnant via immaculate conception. She gave birth to their son, Horus The Child, The Promised Child or “Infant Saviour”. The story predates Christianity, Joseph and Mary’s immaculate conception, with the Virgin Mary giving birth to Jesus. In this situation and within our local landscape, the symbolic meaning of Osiris and Isis giving birth via immaculate conception is represented by “The Leap Of Faith” or crossing of the Bridge Path at the right angle, “Universal Nature”. Lines can be drawn leading away from the centre of the Swiss Cottage and Summer-House and they cross at a 90 degrees angle, this exact spot is the start of the Bridge Path.

The red dot on the above map clipping marks the location of the “Infant Saviour Statue”. The right-angled triangle or Forty-seventh Problem of Euclid within this setting does not have the exact dimensions corresponding to the equation (the sum of the squares of the two shorter sides is equal to the square of the longest side). This is because the original stone bridge already existed before each of the buildings and statue were built and positioned within the setting. However, the right angle or “Square” and general layout of the area were clearly established using the basic principles of the equation to convey it’s hidden symbolic meaning! The original stone bridge was curved and crescent-shaped. Like a “crescent moon”, known to symbolize womanhood and fertility. Isis is the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Fertility and Motherhood. Her effigy was created twice over in the form of two statues (figurines) for John Watson, one of which survives and is still admired to this day.

The Watson Fountain is located at the “triangular” corner junction of Cadzow Street/Muir Street, Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, Scotland. The central figurine within the fountain monument is the last surviving example of the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis, who was worshiped and used symbolically by John Watson, Coalmaster and Baronet of Neilsland and Earnock. The figurine originally held a miners lamp in her left hand and with her right hand held a miner’s pick, resting it against her thigh. Both items clearly represent the Mining Industry and as previously mentioned, Isis is the Goddess of Fertility. Fertility means: Productiveness, and Productiveness is derived from the word Productivity, which means: The effectiveness of productive effort, especially in “Industry”!

Written By

Hamilton Historian.

Terence (Terry) Murphy.

Ref: The John Watson Journals.